



The License Plate Game: Solo Game Play

First, I want to start off by giving an update on my new job.  I still really enjoy it and everyone I work with, but it keeps me super busy.  I’m up at 5, leave for work around 6, get to work around 7:45-8, get off around 4:15-4:30, and get home around 6:30.  I am on the computer all day so the last thing I want to do when I get home or on the weekend is get on my computer.

That being said, I have been working on a post for a few weeks now by collecting all of the fun license plates I see while commuting.  So even though I haven’t posted anything, I’ve been constantly thinking about it! Continue reading “The License Plate Game: Solo Game Play”

Work Week 1: COMPLETE!

This week I started working as an Editorial Assistant at SAGE Publications.  Not only am I finally in the field I have been dreaming of for years, but the people I work with are wonderful. Continue reading “Work Week 1: COMPLETE!”

The Shock and Awe of Employment

When I was in my undergrad at CSU, Northridge (Go Matadors!) I discovered a passion – editing and proofreading the writing of others.  Or more specifically and as others might put it, fixing people’s mistakes.

Since then, I have offered my services as a freelancer to friends, family, and friends of friends.  Most of the time I did research or term papers but on occasion I would get to do fun stuff like create, proofread, edit, and distribute a birthday fact sheet or proofread/edit creative writing such as short stories and novels.

Sadly, I did not have the time to consider completing an internship in the editing/publishing field during my undergrad because I was commuting to school which I was attending full time and working part time whenever possible.  So naturally when I graduated and started looking for a job in my desired field I lacked the necessary experience which I would have gained from an internship.  Hindsight truly is 20/20. Continue reading “The Shock and Awe of Employment”

“Good morning, how can I help you?”

Recently, I have been subbing as a front desk clerk and the experience has taught me quite a bit.

1) First and foremost, patience is everything.

2) Secretaries, receptionists, and administrative assistants are expected to know all there is to know about the entire company they work for.  Seriously.

For reasons one and two, I have deep respect for anyone working a front desk.

3) Front desk employees are not allowed to make mistakes and they DO NOT get second chances.

When you make a mistake at the front desk (i.e., transfer someone to the wrong extension; give slightly misinformed wrong information; aren’t sure who they should talk to) you are no longer a trustworthy individual to speak to and the next obvious demand from the individual calling or physically present is to demand to speak to the superintendent.

4) You are a child who requires the walk-in/caller to provide excessive detail spoken slowly, loudly, and often in a demeaning and angry tone. Continue reading ““Good morning, how can I help you?””

The World of Unemployment

In November, I will be done with my M.A. in English.  I quit the instructional aide position I had before starting my M.A. in order to move closer to my campus and focus on school.  However, I did try to find a part-time job while going to school so that I could have at least some income.  Sadly, I only had a handful of calls and only one interview while I lived there.  I recently moved back home since I can’t afford to live alone anymore, and wouldn’t you know it I still can’t seem to get a job.

*Side note: My ideal area of employment is editorial or publications.*

I’ve changed up my resume multiple times.

I’ve written so many cover letters I can’t remember them all. Continue reading “The World of Unemployment”

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