


August 2015

The World of Online Reading

There are countless sites to meet the reading interests of people all over the world.  Most often I prefer to read novels, comics, or graphic novels I can hold in my hands and turn the pages.  However, for the last several years I have been reading a particular online comic and occasionally pick up my Kindle (provided by my lovely aunt and uncle).

My previous post about Peter V. Brett’s Demon Cycle series are books that I have read on my Kindle.  In terms of actual online reading, I do occasionally indulge in TED Talks, CNN, Yahoo News, and other sites, but my favorite piece of online reading comes in the form of a comic that I started reading in my undergraduate education at CSUN.  The comic is called Questionable Content (linked to the very first comic) and it is written by Jeph Jacques.  Here is a look at the newest strip as of 8/20/15 – Number 3029: Terrifying Backrub. Continue reading “The World of Online Reading”

The Demon Cycle series by Peter V. Brett

Peter V. Brett is currently involved in writing a series of books that I thoroughly enjoy called the Demon Cycle series: The Warded Man, The Desert Spear, The Daylight War, The Skull Throne, and The Core.

I’m currently reading The Skull Throne and should be finished soon, but I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts on Brett’s series and possibly inspire some readers to check it out.


Arlen Bales, a man from the Hollow, lives in a world where demons rise up from the Core and terrorize the world’s population every night from sunset to day break.  The only defense against the demons are wards and individual common sense: go beyond the wards at night and suffer the gruesome consequences. Continue reading “The Demon Cycle series by Peter V. Brett”

Howdy, Hello, Hi-ya!

Hello fellow Word Pressers, writers, and readers!  I am thrilled to announce this brand spanking new page of mine called WriterlyBite which has allowed me to make possible.  In the past I had a simple personal blog where I rambled about my life.  I cannot guarantee that posts on this website will be 100% free of personal stories or references, but my goal is to write about things that intrigue me and hopefully will insight interest in others and spark conversation.

I am open to topic/content suggestions and appreciate constructive criticism.  Without it, how can I, or you, grow as writers, readers, and intellects.  However, if you criticize out of anger or purely to be mean/rude, your comments are not welcome and will be ignored.  Here’s to hoping future posts on this website are more than just fun for me to write and share.

I’ll post again soonish.  In the meantime, below is a picture of my recent trip to Sequoia National Park to give you peace.

Enjoy today’s sun and moon, WriterlyBite patrons!


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