I am an aspiring editor, a wannabe author and photographer, and a novice candle maker.  Reading, driving, coffee, candy, nature, sports, and crafts are some of my favorite things.  Then there are the generic yet much more important of my favorite things: family and friends.  I am a fierce supporter and defender of my loved ones and will do anything for them.  I pride myself in that.

My firmest beliefs and codes to live by:
The oxford comma is essential.
Chapstick is life.
Back your team regardless of whether they win or lose.
You can’t win if you don’t compete.
Sunblock is the greatest invention.
Harry Potter is a necessary read for future generations.


If you feel you need to contact me, leave a comment here!  I’ll get back to you A.S.A.P. and resolve whatever questions, concerns, or comments you might have.  Thanks!